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日清设计作品入围2019 LEAF Awards并受邀出席欧洲杰出建筑师论坛


日前,2019 LEAF Awards (Leading European Architects Forum Awards) 欧洲杰出建筑师论坛奖公布2019最新入围名单。日清设计作品: 西塘古镇游客中心 (Xitang Ancient Town Tourist Centre) 入围“最佳接待建筑”(Best Hospitality Building Project)。LEAF Awards颁奖典礼将于10月24日在德国柏林万豪酒店举行,奖项得主于活动现场宣布,日清设计团队届时将赴德参与晚宴。

   2018 LEAF AWARDS 颁奖典礼现场

LEAF Awards设立于2001年,每年一届。该奖项面向全球建筑师、供应商和其他设计人才,旨在表彰全球范围内新近完成的、最具创新的建筑设计,致力于推动这些设计作品成为全球范例。 所有获奖及入围作品均将被视为建筑设计行业未来的标杆。

2019 LEAF Awards共设置16个类别,入围项目总计 93个,包括Steven Holl Architects、Zaha Hadid Architects、 Nikken Sekkei等知名设计公司作品。本届入围“最佳招待类建筑”的项目名单如下:

Best Hospitality Building Project-Shortlist

Basalt Architects

The Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland Grindavík, Iceland

Lacime Architects

Xitang Ancient Town Tourist Centre — Jiashan City, China

gad · line+ studio

Songyang Original Cottage Langshu Village, China

Studio Qi

Annso Hill Tengchong, China

Tohata Architects

The Thousand Kyoto Kyoto, Japan

Zaha Hadid Architects

Morpheus Hotel Cotai, Macau, China

与颁奖典礼同期举行的LEAF International Forum(欧洲杰出建筑师论坛)同属行业盛典,论坛每年聚焦行业热点,邀请业内一线建筑师、开发商、工程师、设计师和供应商,讨论当前建筑行业所面临的挑战与问题,分享行业想法与实践。

今年论坛定期10月23日-24日,落地于德国柏林万豪酒店,主题聚焦“未来建筑”,日清设计创始人/总建筑师宋照青先生受邀参与论坛,他将进行 “Classic Regeneration During the Evolution of Space” (空间演变中的经典再生)主题演说分享,与Zaha Hadid Architects设计总监Manuela Gatto等行业翘楚同台对话。

项目作为新西塘水街的文化馆与游客中心 , 传承了徽派建筑的空间布局。文化馆的主要空间分为门厅、影像、展览、阅读四大部分,并分列至四个体量中,其间通过檐下柱廊串联形成一个闭合的回路。

Pitched roof, colonnade, low rise volume, courtyard-surrounded form and close link with water constitute the background of traditional building in 'HUI' style. The Tourist Center adopts an enclosed layout in main body.


A 30m × 25m center water courtyard enclosed by four pitched roofs of two two-story volumes, two one-story volumes. Low door leaves guarantee the space horizontality when looking through colonnade to outdoor from indoor, lowering the building volume further. In this traditional form, developing folk and intangible cultural heritage observation, introduction as well as research related activities, devoting into the protection and research of folk, showing the historic feature of people’s life, inheriting folk culture, to be an important window for citizens knowing more about Jiangnan culture.

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